Monday, January 26, 2009

It's been a while...

I haven't posted on here...not sure if anyone really checks this site much, but writing is still good therapy for me. I guess since the last couple of months were so full of anticipation and lots of emotions, this month has been somewhat of a break of thinking about mom not being here.

Our Holidays were fine...very bittersweet and I personally wasn't sad to see the Christmas season come to an end this year. I know with time it will get easier.

There are still just moments...

like last Friday night when I went to Target and saw all the swimsuits out. It hit me. Nobody got more excited about bathing suit season coming on than my mom. Last year, the moment swimsuits hit the stores, Kendall had two, plus a cover-up.

like when we went to my dad's for Christmas and there were no magazines to read. Mom always saved all her magazines and kept them in the extra bedroom for Kara and I to read. Daddy didn't know. He was just throwing them all away.

like how my mom knew that my favorite candle in the world was Trapp's Mediterranean Fig. She usually bought two--one for her and one for me. I took the one that was in the bathroom at my dad's house just to have the reminder of her. I'll be sad when it burns down.

like every time Kendall says "baby" and goes to find her baby doll, I just wish I could call my mom and have her hear it. She would eat that up.

like when my cousin Scott was here visiting and he reminded me of how mom was the only one who would (and let the kids d0 it, too) press the bottom of the Russell Stover chocolates to see what was on the inside. She didn't make us eat them after we touched them. I loved that.

It hits at the most random times. I guess that's how it will be for the rest of my life.

I can't say enough how thankful I am for the hope of Heaven and the truth that I will see her again one day--and even the reunion with my mom won't compare with seeing Jesus face to face! Praise the Lord!


Jesse and Laura Pounders said...

I still check!

I don't have any words. Just tears.

Joyce said...

I still check it, too! I know you miss her terribly. I still miss Dad and it's been almost 13 years.
I love you!!

SimplyBest said...


Even though I have never commented until now, I have checked this blog from the first day Laura sent me the link....I have laughed and cried (& sometimes both in the same post!).

Your mother was a beautiful person ~inside and out. When I think about her, I remember her smile, her laugh, her talent...but most of all it is the love she had for her family!

Through this blog I have seen a lot of your mom in YOU...

(Laura & Lance's aunt)

Kara said...

I do check occasionally and you happen to have a post this time! Bathing suits, huh? I am totally the opposite on that one :) That's sweet about the candy-very nice of her!

elsie_norman said...

Hello Leah.
I have had Janice on my mind all week so thought I would check your blog. I still miss her.
Love Aunt Elsie