Thursday, November 19, 2009

Snow Village

Much of my mom's "stuff" is still in place at my parent's house. Everyone is okay with that. We've gone through her jewelry and many of her clothes, but that's about it. Really, I think Kara and I both find comfort in going to dad's house and going through things of hers and bringing something different home with us each time. Someday, there will be nothing left to bring back, so I cherish each time I'm there and "going through" stuff.

Christmas decorating was a BIG deal growing up. Some of my favorite memories of my mom are of us decorating for Christmas. Mom loved all things Christmas...she put out loads of greenery, plaid bows and lights and always had a beautiful tree with all our Hallmark ornaments. She also collected Department 56 Snow Village. I LOVED helping her get all the pieces out and set it all up. I always had a big imagination, so I would do a lot of pretending as we put all the pieces together.

The last time I was at dad's house, I brought back a few pieces for myself. I took the cathedral, the school, a farm house and a few accessory pieces. On Monday, I had the itch to do some Christmas decorating, so I put it all out.

I love it.

I'll bet it's been AT LEAST ten years since any of it has seen the light of day...when mom and dad moved into the house they are in now, she didn't have room to get it out and the more sick she got, the less Christmas decorating she did.

I think she would delight in knowing we are using it, and I'm glad I have another little piece of her here with me!


Jesse and Laura Pounders said...

I so remember your mom's beautiful snow village! She always had beautiful Christmas decorations!!

Joyce said...

The village looks great! Cathy and I split Dad's up a couple of years ago and I put some of it out this year. Taylor came over and helped me. We had more pieces than I remembered so next year we will have to move it to the big table. This village has been packed away for a very long time. It is nice to have it. Both kids talked about how they remembered Dad setting it up every year. I love having these wonderful memories as you do!

Have a wonderful holiday season!!

Love ya,

Kara said...

I am so glad you posted that about the village pieces. I have a TON that I have been getting since I was about 16. I don't usually get them out. If I do, I get out 4 or 5 and call it done. I have really been hoping that my kids will love and enjoy them one day, and I know that I will be more motivated to get them out with my children... especially after reading your post!