Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Today, October 20, would have been my mom's 54th Birthday.

Wonder what kind of celebration she's having in Heaven?!?!? Hopefully, all the hot fudge brownie sundaes and birthday cake she can eat!


Jesse and Laura Pounders said...

This had totally slipped my mind yesterday!! That is funny to think of her having a b-day party in heaven!! I bet she made those homemade rolls too! haha!

Grace, Hope and Joy said...

I didn't realize last year when Kendall was born that her birthday was so close to your Mom's. I have a very good friend who's Dad passed away 7 years ago of cancer. Three years later she had a son that was born ON her Dad's birthday. Then two years after that she had another son that was born ON the anniversary of the day her Dad died. (Yes - Wow!) She has chosen to look at this as God's way of giving her family a way to celebrate during two time's of the year that could be very sad.

Grace, Hope and Joy said...

By the way here the blog of my sweet friend Allsion mentioned above. She and Danny grew up in the same church in Louisiana. She and her husband were here at seminary till they moved to FL a year ago. Her hubby Travis is the pastor a church in West Palm (I REALLY want to go visit!!). He hopes to graduate with his doctorate this coming May.