Saturday, August 23, 2008

What to do?

I've been wondering what to do with this blog site, now that my mom is in heaven with Jesus. Delete it? End it with a thank-you and just leave it out there in the blog world? I don't really know, so for now, (at the advice of my friend Angie) I've decided to maybe share some pictures and memories of my mom with whoever is still reading this thing. I think it will help me with the grieving process. I've been wanting to make a journal with memories anyway, and it seems these days, it's easier for me to type on a computer than to sit down and write with pen and paper. Plus, it's less clutter.

So here is the first...

This is one of my favorite pictures. It's probably the only picture that my mom didn't write on the back of, and all I can remember is that it was taken at someone's wedding. I also know that the picture was taken in 1982, because of the date stamp. (So, if you read this and you know whose wedding it is, I'd love to know. It looks like the inside of the fellowship hall at Grand Avenue United Methodist Church, but I could be completely wrong.)

As a little girl, I knew exactly which picture album this was in and could go straight to it. To me, my mom was the epitome of beautiful in this picture. She looks absolutely perfect here, which is how I remember her looking most of the time...up until she got sick. I think I also loved this picture because she was playing the piano, one of her favorite things to do. This probably sounds odd, but I knew what my mom's hands sounded like on a keyboard. I could pick her fingers out playing a song like I could pick her voice out of a crowd. I never want to forget that.

Many of my memories involve my mom sitting at a piano. She had a HUGE collection of music, one of the collections being a set of Reader's Digest music books. Out of that Reader's Digest set was a Best Loved Children's Songs (or something along that line) and I remember picking out songs like "The Muppet Show Theme Song", "My Favorite Things," and "Mairzy Doats" for my mom to play so that Kara and I could sing along. She rarely ever told us "no" when we asked her to play the piano for us.

When my dad finally got back to Arkansas and we got to their house on Wednesday, I started going through pictures to make a memory board for the visitation and the funeral. Of course, I went straight to this picture. When daddy and Kara saw this picture (at individual times) they both said, "She looks so pretty." I couldn't agree more.


Meredith said...

You are all right--she looked beautiful. I love that you remember the sound of her playing the piano. Not the music itself, but her playing. I'm already looking forward to reading your next post.

Cassie said... said...

Keep putting down these memories. Someday Kendal will be old enough to want to really know that person in all her baby pictures. I know even 8 years after my dad died Boston still loves to look at all his old baby pictures and ask questions about his papa. Even more than his baby pictures he loves to look at a hard back memory book I made of papa and mema's early life. He and the other boys have heard the stories so many times they can tell them better than I can. I look forward to sharing your mom's memories with you.

Kara said...

Cool-I think I have a version of that Reader's Digest Children's Book. You look a lot like your mother. Very pretty!

Joyce said...

I think this is a great idea! I know that you have wonderful memories and writing them down and sharing them with those of us who didn't know her very well will be great. It is a beautiful picture of her and I am looking forward to seeing more. Love ya,Joyce

Kim said...

She looks beautiful - you look so much like your mom! I know what you mean about "knowing" your mom...there are certain things about a mom that a daughter can hear.

Praying for you...

Grace, Hope and Joy said...

Yay! I am so glad you decided to do this.
I like what someone said about these being good memories for Kendall. You could at some point print out these blog entries and make them into a book.
What a beautiful lady! Inside and out. You are a lot like her. =)

I'm still praying for you!! I know you miss her so much...

Taylor said...

I'm excited about reading all of the neat memories you have of your mother, and I think more people will read it than you think. We are all intrigued by your mom, and I'm glad that you get to share her with us! Love ya, Taylor

Adam Holly Grace said...

Oh Leah, what sweet memories! This just makes tears stream down my face! I think this is wonderful for you to share your Mom with us here and I know it will be good for you and your family.

Also, you do look like your Mom!
Love, Holly

Jill said...

Well as you can see many of us are still checking this blog, so keep the pics and memories coming. I know it has to be good for you to share and a way for you to continue to relive all these precious memories. Your mom looks beautiful in this picture.

Jessica said...

She does look gorgeous! She has really creamy skin. I wish I could have met her.